Suspects for Halloween Murder Mystery Party: Quicker Than the Eye

The Kit

You'll get everything you need, including:

  • Complete instructions on how to conduct the investigation of The Amazing Clappini's death.
  • Roles for all suspects that include family backgrounds and recollections of events surrounding the murder.
  • An invitation to the mystery party investigating the murder of The Amazing Clappini.
  • A Special Edition of The Finger Lake Index, the local newspaper, with the story of Clappini's mysterious death. (Remember: the investigation takes place the day after The Amazing Clappini died.)
  • Instructions for the chief inspector, and a letter from the Finger Lake Police Department explaining the investigation.
  • A series of written clues that can be exchanged or revealed at critical moments.
  • Key supporting information such as a police report and an article written by Clappini that explained the hidden meanings of cards. ​

7 Suspects

as many as 70 can participate


The Suspects

Louise LaSage - Clappini's agent

She owns and operates Standing Ovations, LTD, a London talent agency.

Marvin Carlin - President and owner of Carlin's Marvelous Cards

He has been trying to obtain Clappini's endorsement for his new product.

Mona Lapham - A music hall performer from London

She is said to be in love with Clappini and would hate to see him with someone else.

Valentina Svengesi - Director of Svengesi's Strong Suits

Clappini has used these Bulgarian cards for 10 years and raves about them.

Shelton Sky - An attorney from South Africa

He has threatened to file a copyright infringement suit against Clappini.

Peggy Brinks - A Clappini admirer

She claims to be starting an Amazing Clappini Fan Club.

Antonio Cantalini - An Italian police official

He says he is a long-lost relative of The Amazing Clappini.

Halloween Murder Mystery Party: Quicker Than the Eye

The Plot

He was a prestidigitator beyond compare. The Amazing Roberto Clappini built a reputation for performing card tricks that could deceive even the most well-trained eye.His latest trick was proclaimed to be one that would take the art of sleight of hand to a new level.

The trick was always performed with cards manufactured by Svengesi's Strong Suits, the Bulgarian company that is known worldwide for its outstanding product. Clappini swore by the cards' quality and refused to consider using any other brand.

Now, though, Svengesi's renown has taken a hit - struck by the same blow that killed Clappini after last night's performance at Finger Lake. But, authorities have a clue about the identity of the murderer, or to be more accurate, a handful of clues.

For before he died, Clappini had the strength and wherewithal to pull several cards from the deck and attempt to tell authorities what happened. It would take skill and investigative expertise to identify the perpetrator of the crime - and to deal out a hand that could only be described as a "royal flush."

Quicker Than the Eye      

This was our fourth mystery written by you. We just love the cheesiness of the stories and the names. We truly appreciate your creativity and look forward to acting out many more. 

Felisa Westlake
Angela's at the Rex
Burney, California.
Description of Kit for Halloween Murder Mystery Party: Quicker Than the Eye
Reference for Halloween Murder Mystery Party: Quicker Than the Eye from Stuart Antrim of Cleveland, Georgia
Reference for Halloween Murder Mystery Party: Quicker Than the Eye from Felisa Westlake of Burney, California
Halloween Murder Mystery Parties
Reference for Halloween Murder Mystery Party: Quicker Than the Eye from Stuart Antrim of Cleveland, Georgia
Halloween Murder Mystery Parties

I thought you might enjoy seein your creations in costume. ("Quicker Than the Eye") The event was very well received, and all are looking forward to "Death is a Cabeernet." Thanks for a great product. 

Stuart Antrim
Cleveland, Georgia